Nov 6 LLT Section C: Iowa

Section C: IOWA

David Craig, Iowa Editor

Election Results Give Conservatives

A Chance to Change Iowa

FIRST, the BIGGEST NEWS of the election!

In 2008, The Iowa Supreme Court voted to allow gay marriage to be legal in Iowa. The Supreme Court consisted of Judges David Baker, Michael Streit and Chief Justices Marsha Ternus. Tonight, THOSE THREE JUDGES WERE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE!

AGAIN, THIS IS BREAKING NEWS! THESE JUDGES have sat on the Supreme Court SINCE THE 1960's!


The three SUPREME COURT JUSTICES ALL LOST by a margin of 54 TO 46 percent. IOWANS really DID NOT WANT to retain them!

This is the biggest news of this election for the following reasons.

1. Four states had the option to retain some Supreme Court judges on Tuesday, Iowa was the only state that did NOT retain their judges.

2. It is the FIRST time since 1962 that an Iowan Supreme Court justice has not been retained.

3. The “’VOTE NO’ to RETAIN the judges” campaign was started because of the Iowa Supreme Court's ruling to allow gay marriage in Iowa.

4. There are seven Supreme Court judges, three of them were up for vote regarding retention, all three were voted OUT of office.

5. This has by FAR been the biggest news in Iowa all week with the evangelical conservatives dancing for joy that the "liberal" justices were voted out of office while the "left wing" people have pointed out that the Supreme Court did not break the constitution by allowing same sex marriage to be legal in Iowa.

6. While this editor voted "NO" to retain the justices it had nothing to do with the gay marriage, I ALWAYS vote no regarding retention, get a whole new bench, that's my motto! I personally believe that the seven judges did act in accordance with the constitution.

In other Iowa political news of the evening, the state of Iowa gave Republicans a 19-member swing in the State House, meaning the Republicans WON 60 Seats in the Iowa House. This gives them a HUGE majority of 60 seats to 40 seats. As far as the State Senate is concerned, the Republicans also picked up a lot of seats in the Senate giving them a 24/26 minority, but much closer than it has been this millennium.

ALSO! The best governor in the state's history was RE-elected tonight. Former Governor TERRY BRANSTAD is back in town!

As expected Chuck Grassley easily defeated his Democratic opponent Roxanne Connely making his time in the U.S. Senate now 6 terms. Praise the Lord for this as Chuck is a strong Christian man with a very godly character.

Brandstand won 54 to 43% Chuck Grassley won 64 to 32% quite the victory for both of Iowa's most well known politicians

Well, that's the big news from Iowa. The biggest news over the next 2 months is going to involve the Supreme Court Justices. Chet Culver, the worst governor in the state history and probably the most liberal, still has the ability to appoint three new justices before Terry Branstad can take office in January.

FAT MAN and outgoing GOVERNOR CHET CULVER BANKRUPTED THE STATE so much that IOWA HAS HAD TO ISSUE 45 LAYOFFS TO HIGHWAY STATE PATROL OFFICERS. THE STATE is already at AN ALL-TIME LOW number of state patrol officers with 371, the layoffs will bring the total to an EVEN lower LOW of only 326. If you're going through Iowa don't get in an accident, there aren't too many officers out there to help you out. That's all the news from IOWA.

Article/ Editorial edited by David Craig, Iowa Editor and Ben Fugate, Senior Editor


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