Emmer Plans to Concede to Dayton in MN Gubernatorial Recount

Republican Gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer plans to concede close race to Mark Dayton after recount revealed similar 8,000 vote lead that Dayton had after initial count. The Star Tribune REPORTS this news. This will be tough for the state of MN to swallow a leftist who has very little original thinking in taxes. He does have original thinking when it comes to threats to his office! Dayton will be a hindrance to progress to this state. I think that we conservatives might have to impeach him early. Emmer did a good job campaigning  outstate but his message was too weak for the left leaning suburbs and Twin Cities.
I think that Bachmann would be the best gubernatorial candidate for Minnesota in 2014. I would love to run in 2018!
Hopefully, the conservatives pressure Dayton to pass cuts in tax rates and major cuts in spending, across the board. Let's see if he is willing to work with us or whether he tries to ruin the state by taxing the rich even more. Thank you Gov. Tim Pawlenty (and future President/ VP) for all your hard work and cuts in spending and taxes. Congratulations to Gov.- Elect Mark Dayton. You had better do a good job for my state!

Senior Editor,

Ben Fugate


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