Should We Blindly Support President Trump?

It has been just two weeks since the new President Trump was sworn-in as our 45th Commander-in-Chief. He has made several executive orders and has attacked Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and a federal judge. President Trump has loosened ACA regulations and has allowed the pipelines to continue construction. He has ended the TPP and appointed Neil Gorsuch for the Senate to nominate to the Supreme Court. What in the world is going on? Who does he think he is? Are these moves legal and constitutional?

Many of my fellow Christians supported Mr. Trump for president in the general election because he was better than Hillary, the lesser of two evils, and because he ran for the Republican Party. Some believers, including me, contributing Editor Aaron M Fugate opposed President Trump because we feared his desire for absolute power and his many liberal views. Although I do not disagree with all the moves by our current leader, I certainly disagree with his methods. Let me explain.

First, these executive orders are illegal, unconstitutional, and weak. They are illegal because he is subverting with several of his orders, including the ACA, which is still law today but now has no teeth (no pun intended). They are unconstitutional because section 8 states

1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

2: To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

3: To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

4: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States; Source (

Contributing Editor Jim Peet would respond that a U.S. law now allows the president to ban dangerous immigrants from certain countries/areas, but I would argue that law does not conform to the Constitution. Yesterday, "Federal Judge James Robart, a George W. Bush appointee who presides in Seattle" an unelected official halted the order (source). Some of my friends then celebrate because of this check and balance in the federal government. This is not a good thing. On the one hand, the king of 320 million people makes a law and on the other hand the king of a few million burns up the order, making himself king for a few days. This is worse than the days of the Papal Bulls.


This is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned. Where is the Congress? Why can't they write a law "To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization"? The role of the Congress has continually been diminished over the past few decades. Now the legislative branch of the government could go home and nobody would tell the difference. President Trump would appoint his cabinet and judicial nominees and they would support his executive orders. Meanwhile, other judges would overturn his orders and we would get nowhere. Instead of this craziness, we could have a Congress that passes and repeals laws on an occasional basis that are then signed or vetoed by the President. Then the judge would interpret those laws and let the Executive branch enforce those laws. The judges would also abandon their extraconstitutional role of determining if a law is constitutional or not. It is time for the American people, who elected their congressmen and congresswomen, to tell the President and judiciary to decrease their roles. We need more Congressional representatives. Our current congress represents about 740,000 people per House member. The 1st congress had 65 representatives for 4 million people. That is a ratio of 1:61,500. Now our Congressmen have to speak for 12 times as many Americans and they are supposed to speak for the "diversity" of their district. That is not possible now. We need more congressmen and congresswomen. We need our President to use the Congress to pass the laws that he wants. Laws will stand the test of time and are rarely thrown out by ridiculous judges. We as American believers should pray for our President and oppose him when he leaves his bounds.


Second, the President is submitting to this unelected judge. We Conservatives have long bemoaned the overreaching power of the Judicial Branch. Why can't our President tell Judge Robart to pound sand? This President has been known to break rules, written and unwritten. He speaks his mind whether you like it or not. He strikes deals with opponents and supporters alike. It is time for our elected Executive to disobey the unelected judges who are leaving their bounds to limit everyone else. If any president has the backbone to stand up to the men and women who legislate from the bench, it would be this one. I am actually surprised that President Trump is conforming to the decisions of a judge. Not much has changed from the days of President Obama. Our previous president let the judicial branch change the definition of marriage without signing one law. Our current President is also letting the courts make laws. This is what I have warned against for years. I cannot name five people in the history of the world who wield the power that our judges have. Mao killed 70 million Chinese and Stalin killed 50 million Russians, but our Supreme Court has killed at least 60 million babies with the raising of five hands in three separate instances. Plus, the U.S. courts have told millions of people that they cannot define their marriages. King George III would blush at the power wielded by our justice system.

It is time for America to give the power back to the elected officials in the Congress, legislature, city councils, and county boards. It is time for us to return to a republican form of government and to leave the aristocracy that we fought against in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. I may support conservative dictatorships, but we did not set that up in America, so until we overhaul the Constitution, let's stop being Bohemian and return to being American.


We as Americans should support our President when he agrees with the Constitution and the Bible and should oppose him when he leaves those boundaries. Just because he is part of a certain party does not mean you have to support or oppose him all the time.




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