Governor normally aren't VPs!

I came up with this thought while working last night. When was the last time that a major party selected a former governor for its vice presidential candidate? With all this surmising in the democrat circles about Governor Kane or Sibellius or former Indiana governor Evan Bayh, what are the chances that former or current governors have at gettin the VP nod? The answer is very little. The last time a major party gave a former governor the VP candidacy was in 1968 and 1972 when Spiro Agnew, former governor of Maryland, ran with 39th President, Richard Nixon and we know how bad that turned out! The last democrat VP candidate to be a former governor was Edmund Muskie, former governor of Maine and VP candidate for the 1968 election, who ran with Hubert Humphrey. So next time the VP talk gets deep and heavy remind your friends that the last governor to be a VP candidate was a heinous criminal who had to resign as VP because of the pressure of the truth mounting upon him. Maybe my pick of Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts is far-fetched after all. Tim Pawlenty, Sara Palin and Mike Huckabee have a strike against them also.


Jim Peet said…
I pulling for Pawlenty!
Ted said…
Theme song for the Sarah Palin VP intro at RNC next week:

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