Editorial 9/12

It has now been seven years since September 11, 2001 when 19 Muslims hijacked 4 planes and crashed three major buildings in the United States. These Al Qaida operatives entered this nation by VISAs and other ways. Then they learned how to fly a plane but not how to land it because they did not need to know that. They took box cutters and other knives onto four planes and forced the plane staff and pilots to hand over the control of the plane. Then before Air Force planes could force the terrorists to land their planes safely, they crashed the World Trade Center towers in New York and stunned the world more by hitting the Pentagon. But an act of bravery by men including Todd Beamer, a Minnesotan, forced a plane to crash in a small town near Washington, Pennsylvania instead of Camp David or the Capitol. Yet today %35 of self-described democrats say the attack was staged and planned by George W. Bush instead of by terrorists and Osama Bin Laden. I have one question for them: what about the handcuffs found on the airplane staff after the World Trade Center fell? Instead though we missed the point almost entirely. I said then and I say now that we must shut down our borders permanently. I have a plan for this that would get legal, healthy and peaceful immigrants in the nation and leave others out. First, set up several refuge centers in MEXICO and CANADA in cities like Monterrey and Toronto. Then take every immigrant applicant through that highly secured building. Take pictures, fingerprints, and hair samples of each applicant. Put the applicant through every criminal database possible to see if he/she is a fugiitive. Then ask them for a name and attach that name to those samples so that every time this applicant is found breaking US law an immediate history comes up about them. Then give the applicant a shower and every immunization needed if he is healthy. Then give the applicant an ID card with all the information needed for them to do business. Then ask the person which company he wants to work for and where he wants to live under mild security. Then let the applicant BARTER for his wages with the employer. Then escort the applicant to a well secured bus that takes then to the city that they chose. The applicant would be given up to twelve months to prove his worth to his employer and the US and then he is sworn in as a citizen on JULY FOURTH and he pays taxes just like you and me. What do you think of that? Please send your comments, questions, or disagreements to benfugate2005@yahoo.com.


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