Lost Lake Tribune Nov. 8th Edition

Senator Obama Easily Becomes President-Elect Obama.- Barack Obama won the 2008 election with plenty of electoral votes to spare. The final electoral vote tally is 365 for Obama and 173 for Senator John McCain. More than half of Americans who were asked at exit polls stated they believed that Obama would do a better job for the economy. Obama was able to wrest 5 important states from McCain including North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Indiana and Ohio. He was projected to win early in the night so McCain went ahead and gave a concession speech at 11PM eastern. Obama gave his acceptance speech to about 70,000 onlookers in Chicago sometime around Midnight Eastern. Obama also received just over 52 per cent of the national vote. The President-Elect made his first press conference and radio address all about the economy. He stated that he will gave a "tax break" to the middle class. He also told reporters that he has spoken with all living presidents. Obama tapped Rahm Emmanuel to be his chief of staff on Thursday. Coleman-Franken Race Still Undecided.- Current Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman and his opponent Al Franken are still very close in the 2008 vote count. Coleman had a 750 vote lead at the end of November 4th. But after a few days of finding missing ballots in Northeastern Minnesota, Franken has gained over 500 votes so that the Coleman's lead is about 215 votes. A full recount of all votes begins sometime before Thanksgiving day. Other close Senate races include the states of Alaska and Oregon. Georgia will have an automatic runoff vote on December Second. Incumbents Win in Wisconsin, Indiana and Minnesota.- All seven incumbent congressional representatives in Minnesota were able to win reelection on Tuesday. Michelle Bachmann and Jon Kline won on the Republican side while Betty McCollum, Tim Walz, Jim Oberstar and Collin Peterson won on the Democrat side. Erik Paulsen, the third district Republican candidate defeated Ashwin Madia to gain the only open seat in Minnesota. In Wisconsin, Ron Kind and David Obey easily retained their seats. In Indiana, incumbent Governor Mitch Daniels defeated Jill Long Thompson as he gained about sixty per cent of the vote. Mike Pence and Baron Hill won their congressional seats with little resistance. Fugate Finishes First Draft Late.- If a computer was running for President, Benjamin Fugate would never vote for one. He had finished his first draft for his Research and Writing paper but when he tried to send it himself by email the paper lost all formatting and soon looked atrocious. After speaking with his professor, Fugate used Mr, Bruffey's advice to convert all documents to PDF and then sent them by email so that Fugate can print the document at Central seminary. Fugate wnet ahead and bought a forty-dollar cell phone to replace his old phone that was dying daily. The new phone is a LG Venus and is working well but it remains to be seen if this phone will last longer than Fugate's past phones. Fugate also purchased an inexpensive BlueTooth headset. He plans to get some work on his car next week and then he plans to save his money. Fugate will be working for Hannon Security on the fourth weekend of November to make up for most of the hours that he will be losing during the week of Thanksgiving. EDITORIAL.- So Barack Obama wins this election easily. What do you expect? When we have a lousy Republican party that spends federal money like a drunken sailor (not to insult drunken sailors) (Ronald Reagan), what should we expect? Americans ,for the most part, conservative in economical, financial and social matters. However, when the party that claimed to be conservative turns liberal, Americans will vote for the party that promises "change". The democrats have easily won elections in '74, '90, '92, 2006 and 2008 because the Republicans were LIBERAL. Americans truly want LOW taxes, LESS government spending, MORE freedom, Border SECURITY, and a BALANCED Budget but the Republicans have not done any of these desires for more than a decade. Meanwhile, Democrats get a free pass from the Mass Media including Yahoo!, NBC, CBS, ABC, Huffington Post, PBS and many others. Many ask "what should the Republicans do?" The simple answer is to get a face and become CONSERVATIVE. But how? Well fist let's talk about a face. Many Republicans would like to have Sarah Palin to be the face of the party to at least 2012, but I like Mitch Daniels better. He is from a state with 11 electoral votes that can be switched to RED very easily. Daniels balanced Indiana's budget and left the Bush administration prematurely. He also reformed property taxes and gained the votes of many Obama supporters in Indiana. Daniels and Palin would make an excellent National Ticket in 2012. A ticket that I would give a much bigger chance than McCain had this election cycle. Now about becoming conservative. Republicans need to KICK OUT liberal leaders like Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Ted Stevens and others. Then Republicans need to support LESS spending, LOWER taxes, Nationalism, Border Security and other conservative ideas. I will be happy to help you understand any conservative ideas if you send me A LETTER to the EDITOR.


Jim Peet said…
Congressman Paul Ryan from Wisconsin District 1 has great potential for future national leadership:

CNN profile

His "roadmap"

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