Lost Lake Tribune Reader's Edition
Pick a question or questions and give me your thoughts (400 words or less please) Send your replies to lostlaketribune@twincities.mn Replies are subject to editing or deletion. All suitable replies will appear in the next edition of the Lost Lake Tribune Here is an example reply. Dear Lost Lake Tribune, My name is Sven Doe. Here are my thoughts on questions 5 and 8. 5. I will pick the Cleveland Cavaliers to defeat the Los Angeles Lakes in the NBA finals 8. I think my state legislature is doing a gret job in continuing to spend a lot of money for education. I was wondering what the Lost Lake Tribune editors believe about Minnesota's $4 Billion budget deficit? Sincerely Yours, Sven Doe svendoe@email.com It is as easy as that. Now for the Lost Lake Tribune MLB 2009 Prediction Challenge!
Just Pick the MLB division winners and the number of wins (out of 162) that they will get! Then pick the wild card winner and the AL and NL champions and the World Series Champions. If you need help go to http://www.mlb.com Turn in your predictions by April 20th to lostlaketribune@twincities.mn Here is an example: MLB American League Division Winners East - Boston Red Sox (100 Wins) Central - Minnesota Twins (88 Wins) West - Anaheim Angels (95 Wins) Wild Card - Tampa Bay Rays (98 Wins) National League Division Winners East - Philadelphia Phillies (95 Wins) Central - Chicago Cubs (98 Wins) West - Los Angeles Dodgers (90 Wins) Wild Card - Atlanta Braves (92 Wins) American League Winner: Boston Red Sox National League Winner: Philadelphia Phillies World Series: Boston Red Sox win 4 Games to 2 Games Points 10 for each Division Winner correct 5 for each win total correct 12 for each Wild Card team correct 20 for each League Winner correct 30 for World Series Winner correct 8 points for correct number of games in World Series This is YOUR READER'S Editon all replies are subject to editing and deleting for space and verbage. Send your replies to lostlaketribune@twincities.mn